Monday, December 05, 2005

Thoughts about making into HR...

Aha...finali i am findin days where i have nutin much to do at is one of those red-lettered days...but well...nuthin to do also give u the feelin that well- u r good for nuthn, so nutin is given to u...such a feeling can be difficult to digest...

Wateva...a nice day actually to think of how i can make my blog a better one for my pals to read...write some more interestin stuff from my life, my thoughts etc from today mornin i have just been chattin n goin thru my object is done there isnt much to do (as of now no phones or emails from the PL or TL - hard to say bout this coz i can get one in the aftnoon itself)...tot i shud devote the time to enrich my laptop wid some good stuff...n make it more user friendly for my will probably spend the aftnoon dloadin the latest version of DirectX etc(I was surprised when my teammate told me dat i had only an 8.1 - dats pathetic)...cud have relied on the technical guys here to have installed the latest one much before...oh well - will have to do the same myself now...

neway comin to the topic of today- why HR appeals to me...had been goin thru a few blogs a while back about people, HR and technology, how the three are linked...the word people itself has a significant meaning for me...I know i can bond well, speak well, consult effectively, etc etc..(boastin eh?)...but all dat doesnt actually mean that i can get into the HR domain immediately does it? A few conversations with people and they tell me...'Oh for HR u require an MBA pal'...some others go like this on my question as to why one requires experience to enter HR..'oh dats gotto do wid da company's u cant fite those can u?'...i wud very well want to...

Put this question up for debate or a GD and i wud very well emerge the one has yet been able to justify my question as to why to enter the field of HR one wud require experience in the technical domain? I mean - what da hell do pointers, interface programming, or in my case,triggers or cursors gotto do with recruitment and other HR policies? Some others wud say that ok, well, for being a senior HR manager, one shud be experienced in da HR how to zoo zatt??? We enter IT companies obviously as consultants or programmers rite? then htf does one move into the HR side?

An experienced person had once given me a good reply,'Kinda maybe u require experience, so that with that experience, a person understands how to manage himself, and so he can move upto levels like HR'...but me not satisfied? Wat bout the previous notion bout experience in HR?

Will neva get ova this topic? Still think a lot of 'readin' knowledge about HR wud be good...da coveted MBA leaves only a few destinations for HR...the entrances of which are yet to come - in case dat doesnt seem possible, i gess i have to do it the hard way..

The topic is open for discussion...


God Krishna said...

hey ur CAT exp and IIFT exp seems similar to me. atleast you have a job.. so chill da..... I am still to get placed.

Anonymous said...
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Naina said...

good goin ashish was nice to read a blog like this one !....i admire ur writing skills!