Read this - and find out how long does the chase, or rather the greed to grow higher continues life - are we forgetting our actual purposes in life due to it?
Today, in a little cottage by the hillside, I am born. For some months now I have heard muffled sounds of the world outside, and I have been curious. Now that I am here, it’s a whole new world outside my mother’s womb. Just outside the window is a beautiful sprinkling of color on the hills, the cool breeze blowing in carries the sweet smell of flowers… and feels good on my face. My mother’s arms around me are reassuring, and as I wake up to these new surroundings, it seems like a really nice place to be in. It’s a good feeling to have a life of my own, to be able to think and experience. The world has existed for an eternity before my birth, and will continue to do so… till long after I am gone. Billions of miles wide, this universe existing for billions of years and I just have this small window of time to experience all its amazing wonders. I want to make the best of this time. I am curious to know what is beyond the hills, I want to see how the world looks from the top of the mountain, and I want to look into the star sprinkled night sky and try to understand why it all exists. I want to experience everything there is. Resting comfortably in my mother’s arms, I can only imagine how it is going to be a wonderful journey. Just then, I notice that the voices, which sounded muffled and distant, are now clear and close. There are people talking around me, and they are talking about what I will ‘become’. Someone is saying that I will study a lot and do everyone proud, and someone else is saying that I ought to become a businessman and earn a lot of money. I have never thought about this before. I didn’t know I will have to ‘become’ something, and I still don’t know why I should. Why can I not just ‘be’?
Seventh Grade. I am fourteen now. The school in my town back home apparently was not good enough, so I was sent here to this big school in the city two years back. I did not want to come, but father said I have to go if I can ever hope to be a ‘big’ man. I did not understand why it is important to become big. I was so happy there, with my mother, with my friends, with people who seemed to be my own. Besides, the mountains were there, always beautiful and enchanting. I loved the mountains and I always dreamed about climbing them, about how I would feel like the king of the universe when I would stand on the top and see how spectacular the earth looks from there. I once asked father if we could go climb, but he said I am too young for something like that. Then I came here. I am not happy here but when I tell mother about this, she says that this is a sacrifice I have to make. She says it’s a preparation for all the happiness I will have later in life. I am confused. I feel that I am in a cage. All of us here wake up and sleep at the same time; we attend the same classes and do the same homework, and we say the same prayers and aspire for the same goals. It’s like I am going through a mass production line, getting molded into the same shape as everyone else, learning and working hard so that the end product that comes out of this system is profitable. I feel my humanity is getting lost, that my identity is being robbed off for the economic cause, that I am turning into yet another diminutive cog in the giant wheel of economics. Everyone around me tries to measure me on the scale of performance. They want to know what I am worth, and my worth is measured not for what I am and what I stand for, but for how well I can outperform others and for how much money I can potentially earn. I am rewarded and everyone loves me when I succeed, and I am punished and abandoned if I don’t. Mean while, I have heard about the serenity of the great Everest, the turbulent beauty of the vast oceans, about ice caps on the poles and so many other wonderful places. My heart is there and sometimes I can’t sleep because I feel so restless that I want to just run and go where I belong. Nevertheless, I am just a little boy who likes to be loved and appreciated. So I am doing what the world wants me to do. The little child in me is dying, to make way for a successful achieving machine. I am falling into the trap.
Business School. Years ago, I lost my grip on my dreams. I gave up my deepest desires and I hoped that small successes and joys would add up to something like happiness. They haven’t. My life has become just a quest for the next big goal. In high school I always performed better than everyone else. Everyone said I could do better, so I worked hard for months and I beat a hundred thousand people in an admission test to get into the best engineering college. It was not enough yet, so after undergraduate school I outperformed a million people in yet another admission test to get into the best business school. It isn’t ending here either. Now I want the best job, and then I will want the biggest promotion and then something else and then something bigger still. I challenged my limits and I achieved goals bigger than I imagined myself capable of, and yet it seems nothing has been achieved. In the mad race for ever-bigger goals, I have never had the time to stop a while and appreciate and enjoy what I have already achieved. There is beauty all around me, waiting to be appreciated. There are thoughts in my mind that I want to pay attention to. There are people in despair, needing my love and compassion. Sometimes I want to stop chasing that elusive future happiness, and to start really living in the moment. But there’s a performance appraisal coming just around the corner, and my mind tells me I can’t indulge in silly thoughts and lose that big promotion. A part of me resists, but there’s twenty years of brainwashing and the whole world’s conventions pitted against it. I better start running again. So this race is never going to end, and it is making no one happy. My parents are old now and they need me, but they won’t leave the place where they have spent their lives, and my job will not let me be there. The girl I love and say I can give my life for isn’t as happy as I would like her to be because I can’t give her enough time. The dreams of my life are alive in a corner of my mind, and they constantly remind me that I am not happy, not at peace with myself. The ocean roars in its splendid beauty outside my office window, but I am only concerned with how much stature the view adds to my office. There are wonderful people I can be friends with, but I am too busy competing with everyone. There is a little child begging on the street, but as I drive by in my luxury car, my mind is busy making plans to get as much Nigerian oil as possible for my oil company, regardless of entire tribes being eliminated… or how best to lobby with the government so it can make the World Trade Organization stop Brazil from selling cheap AIDS medicines and hurting my company’s bottom line, never mind the millions dying. Yes, I am helping create a lot of shareholder value, but is that all my life means?
What is the meaning of life? The quest for achievement has become the cornerstone of human society. Ever more people are setting their eyes on ever-higher goals, and pushing themselves beyond what were thought to be limits of human intellect and endeavor. Certainly, modern society wouldn’t be what it is if it were not for the efforts of the enterprising, but it is nevertheless ironical that the perpetual pursuit of dominance itself now overbearingly dominates collective human thought. We live our lives as if economic prosperity is a divine cause. Material comforts and consumerism have become noble quests, but what really is humanity heading towards? The most glorious species of all, are we not just parasites destroying the planet and converting the earth into a big heap of unrecoverable waste? The blind pursuit for competitive advantage has created a world in which whole continents are dying of hunger and disease while a tenth of the world’s population consumes twenty five times the world’s average. We live in a world where the weaker nations either quietly accept foreign dominance or try to fight back covertly by using methods like terrorism, and the powerful nations feel secure by the ridiculous notion of mutually assured destruction. Economic prosperity and technological progress may have saved millions of lives from hunger and disease, but the divisions that have been created in the process have taken many more lives in countries, which have been marginalized, and in wars and internal strife. There could have been a better way, a way in which more people could have lived, and could have lived more fulfilling lives… but justified by ‘self interest rationality’ economics and blinded by the intensity of our greedy ambitions, maybe we never spent enough time finding that way at all. I am old now, and I will die soon. I have lived my life for a purpose I did not believe in. I always knew I was doing what I never wanted to, and I made a conscious choice to go with the flow. In retrospect, I think I would have had a more fulfilling life living as a nomad, or maybe just in a cave in the Himalayas. I regret I did not, but the only consolation I have is that the odds were pitted too heavily against me. I ‘learned’ a way of life before I got a chance to make my own, and later I never gathered enough courage to break the rules. The bad thing about life is that one always believes that it’s not ending yet and there will be time to do the things one wants to do, till it’s too late and reality hits home. I am too old to pursue my dreams now. I have more money than I need and all the material comforts money could buy, but still no happiness and peace of mind. I now find refuge in literature and prayer, but I think it is just another pathetic attempt to cheat myself. I never got a chance to truly experience and appreciate anything in the world, and now I am trying to find the beauty in someone else’s description of it. I never took the time to understand myself, to discover my faith and to find my own god… and now I am trying to find salvation in someone else’s idea of god which I do not believe in. Anyway, it’s time for me to go now. My eyes are closing, never to open again. All my achievements, all my successes are of no use anymore. The dream of a one day old is still a dream for the eighty year old. I am finishing my life, but I am leaving it incomplete.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Friday, March 24, 2006
Just realized this a week back when i was surfin thru da previous posts - cant believe I have been into blogging since 365 days now...of course - it has had its ups and downs - especially when I have had no time to blog at all - or there have been reasons why I couldnt blog (like now sometimes its very tough)...those who know me closely can understand y...
Was thinkin today morning wat would I edit in da blog today - some days back I heard from a buddy dat bloggins is used by most people in order to vent their frustrations at their work place in terms of words, and thus make an attempt to escape from their own stress problems by expressing themselves to others - personally, or non-personally. Of course it depends on da amount of people reading the blog...(smile)...
Yea - da life of a software engineer sucks big time - especially if one were to visit dat part of my company where yours truly would understand what makes up most of a programmer's life...programmer i can say coz majority of da people out here are from my team, involved in large scale, back-end programmin work (reasons for the shivers when front-end work is concerned...bluddy one doesnt even understand da simple forms u come across, n its real tough tallyin them to da back-end data)...somehow my 'brave' teammate pals seem to work it out well - n they arent even qualified com'puke'ter engi'nerds'...dey have a degree in electronics...again I would say - neone would be qualified to do coding - he just needs to get a good hand at the syntax, and should be good at logical flow...why, in a few months I seem to be coding well too...of course besides the fact dat the outer shell of the program (this holds true for a lot of software engineers as far as I have noticed) totally concerned with 'programmin hai waste - believe in ...yawn...u r smart enough to know wat...'...
Coming back to the point...of course till now I have used da blog to only list down my experiences in day-to-day life, and not for looking at da screen with fuming nostrils and banging away on da keyboard...though I have my own score to settle with my superiors, and of course, da great software industry, of which me and most of my readers are part of - (If you arent, then you are safe)...I had heard at a point dat blogging was started by people who felt they needed to express themselves out to da world, so that they have some earthly 'fans' whom they dint know too...and who visited their webpage now and den...feelin happy dat they have found 'another of their kind' mite be dat I started off blogging for the same reason, and of course hosting it on Orkut, Pagalguy, and some other places - so dat like minded people would come and share thoughts with me thru comments and so on...
Things still to be implemented on my webpage - a hit counter (this is for people who read and dont comment - maybe dey will receive a pop-up message too, in case they spend more than 'x' time goin thru any webpage in my blog, and leave no comments for me to find that that dey 'DID' visit my webpage..., also shall be putting up a list of webpages and blogs I visit on da net, including some of my own friends' blogs...want to edit my profile too properly...of course all this wen I have da time and space..maybe I shall try these things wen I leave for Goa next week...
Till then guys - happy blogging!!
Was thinkin today morning wat would I edit in da blog today - some days back I heard from a buddy dat bloggins is used by most people in order to vent their frustrations at their work place in terms of words, and thus make an attempt to escape from their own stress problems by expressing themselves to others - personally, or non-personally. Of course it depends on da amount of people reading the blog...(smile)...
Yea - da life of a software engineer sucks big time - especially if one were to visit dat part of my company where yours truly would understand what makes up most of a programmer's life...programmer i can say coz majority of da people out here are from my team, involved in large scale, back-end programmin work (reasons for the shivers when front-end work is concerned...bluddy one doesnt even understand da simple forms u come across, n its real tough tallyin them to da back-end data)...somehow my 'brave' teammate pals seem to work it out well - n they arent even qualified com'puke'ter engi'nerds'...dey have a degree in electronics...again I would say - neone would be qualified to do coding - he just needs to get a good hand at the syntax, and should be good at logical flow...why, in a few months I seem to be coding well too...of course besides the fact dat the outer shell of the program (this holds true for a lot of software engineers as far as I have noticed) totally concerned with 'programmin hai waste - believe in ...yawn...u r smart enough to know wat...'...
Coming back to the point...of course till now I have used da blog to only list down my experiences in day-to-day life, and not for looking at da screen with fuming nostrils and banging away on da keyboard...though I have my own score to settle with my superiors, and of course, da great software industry, of which me and most of my readers are part of - (If you arent, then you are safe)...I had heard at a point dat blogging was started by people who felt they needed to express themselves out to da world, so that they have some earthly 'fans' whom they dint know too...and who visited their webpage now and den...feelin happy dat they have found 'another of their kind' mite be dat I started off blogging for the same reason, and of course hosting it on Orkut, Pagalguy, and some other places - so dat like minded people would come and share thoughts with me thru comments and so on...
Things still to be implemented on my webpage - a hit counter (this is for people who read and dont comment - maybe dey will receive a pop-up message too, in case they spend more than 'x' time goin thru any webpage in my blog, and leave no comments for me to find that that dey 'DID' visit my webpage..., also shall be putting up a list of webpages and blogs I visit on da net, including some of my own friends' blogs...want to edit my profile too properly...of course all this wen I have da time and space..maybe I shall try these things wen I leave for Goa next week...
Till then guys - happy blogging!!
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Had tot of this some days back - but wheneva i used to sit in da evening to edit da blog, it would be seriously boring to write about da day dat has passed...or da days dat are passing...but to put it correctly, future mite hold somethin different for me - a new environment and a new place of stay - so here I am accounting how a typical day passes in my present life. To put it more interestingly (dont want readers to doze off) I have put it in third person -
7 AM - Good morning : sleepy eyes, hangover of ruined sleep some 3 hours back due to my roomie arrivin from his work...but fine - da guy gets up...of course, checks either the mobile or the watch for the time... Utilization of free Hutch messages has already begun as he checks his GM messages and forwards, and replies back to them...
One hour - needed to finish the morning chores, got used very much to the jam/bread breakfast at home so much dat he carries da 'parampara' here too...der is always a mental tussle between all the roomies in da PG for the paper, so whenever he can sneak outside and take the paper first, he does it..(grinning)...
bout 8:10 AM - busy reading paper - takes another 20-30 min...yes da editorial page looks real boring with only text sprawled over it...but its the page carryin da most amount of sensible least for an information-interested person like this person...information devoid of political fites, and wordly dramas - makin dat clear...
8:40 AM- on da road - off to hunt for the rick - a walk till busy and dusty 80 feet road, near da famous Aishwarya Department Store of Jakkasandra...some rick guys run off like as if a ghost is chasin them when the guy mentions da words 'BTM Layout', or even sometimes 'Bannerghatta Road'...not interested, also scared of the traffic, and the never ending signal timings at the famed Udupi Gardens...
Finally in some rick which agrees...the sight of an electronic meter is a delight...but most of the times he settles for an analog, mechanical one...da rick journey sometimes turns hostile, or even he knows most of the paths very well, and the objective is to go thru the shortest path available, despite the heavy traffic jam...the rick guy mite say 'nahin saahab, bahut jam hota hai wahaan...' - reasons why the guy sometimes even settles for 'one and a half'...most readers will understand - no elaborations needed...
9:05 to 9:20 AM- probably around this time dock at office, after havins sometimes gone thru a huge traffic jam in the inner turns of Udupi Gardens hotel...(da hotel is just to be heard of, and is a great junction to meet at - mind u - not AT ALL a good eating joint)...Off to the sixth floor - dats Oracle GFIC (land of finance, n land of babes too)...nearest to my destination floor...and havin some good coffee vending machines - aha...some good coffee...!!
9:25 - 9:30 AM - Boy is he punctual or not? Sometimes, like today, he was much earlier than to da most boring part of da company where I have been shifted to...nuthin but 'work' happens there...Of course checkin mails, surfin thru PG, chatting, listening to songs etc etc happens thruout da day...
About 1 to 1:15 PM - Lunch to the mess...pathetic menu, which appeared good only in the first 3 days at the he prefers the pastry joint for some burgers etc...a la lunch!
About 2 to 2:30 PM - yawn... yea..time for more wat does this variable do? yawwn...and why is this exception not def...yawnnn..ined? guess wat....
About 4 PM - Bright eyes - good work goin on - time for a break in another half an hour...(good thoughts)
4:20 to 4:30 PM - Coffee break - though its normally mango juice for him...or a soft drink - wateva - its all free...with some nice biscuits too...
What follows at office - some fast work - evening speeding into da darkness of the nite...
Now this varies from 6:15 to 7:45 PM - Work done - laptop closed...wires disconnected...bye guys...'me' off home...
About 8 PM - Its 90 percent Delicious Dine for dinner time, as wateva neone says, the place rules as far as taste of food is concerned...a nice dinner for a tired guy...
About 8:45 PM - back to PG - TV for thru channels...'bachhon - please dont check out FTV at 9:30 isnt exactly the time for 'Midnight ...' but u neva know wat turns up..hehe!!
About 9:20 PM - a refreshin bath...
About 9:45 PM - bath and prayers lyin down on bed - relaxin...messaging friends...and also thinkin wat else to do for the remaining part of the nite...
About 10:15 PM - reading a book...wat else is new?
About 11:30 to 11:45 PM - Either he is already asleep...or he prefers to close down for the nite.
About 12:30 AM - Wat else readers? its done...the guy is dozing off...
U guys get back to ur own work now..and dont fget to list down ur routines in ur blogs...
7 AM - Good morning : sleepy eyes, hangover of ruined sleep some 3 hours back due to my roomie arrivin from his work...but fine - da guy gets up...of course, checks either the mobile or the watch for the time... Utilization of free Hutch messages has already begun as he checks his GM messages and forwards, and replies back to them...
One hour - needed to finish the morning chores, got used very much to the jam/bread breakfast at home so much dat he carries da 'parampara' here too...der is always a mental tussle between all the roomies in da PG for the paper, so whenever he can sneak outside and take the paper first, he does it..(grinning)...
bout 8:10 AM - busy reading paper - takes another 20-30 min...yes da editorial page looks real boring with only text sprawled over it...but its the page carryin da most amount of sensible least for an information-interested person like this person...information devoid of political fites, and wordly dramas - makin dat clear...
8:40 AM- on da road - off to hunt for the rick - a walk till busy and dusty 80 feet road, near da famous Aishwarya Department Store of Jakkasandra...some rick guys run off like as if a ghost is chasin them when the guy mentions da words 'BTM Layout', or even sometimes 'Bannerghatta Road'...not interested, also scared of the traffic, and the never ending signal timings at the famed Udupi Gardens...
Finally in some rick which agrees...the sight of an electronic meter is a delight...but most of the times he settles for an analog, mechanical one...da rick journey sometimes turns hostile, or even he knows most of the paths very well, and the objective is to go thru the shortest path available, despite the heavy traffic jam...the rick guy mite say 'nahin saahab, bahut jam hota hai wahaan...' - reasons why the guy sometimes even settles for 'one and a half'...most readers will understand - no elaborations needed...
9:05 to 9:20 AM- probably around this time dock at office, after havins sometimes gone thru a huge traffic jam in the inner turns of Udupi Gardens hotel...(da hotel is just to be heard of, and is a great junction to meet at - mind u - not AT ALL a good eating joint)...Off to the sixth floor - dats Oracle GFIC (land of finance, n land of babes too)...nearest to my destination floor...and havin some good coffee vending machines - aha...some good coffee...!!
9:25 - 9:30 AM - Boy is he punctual or not? Sometimes, like today, he was much earlier than to da most boring part of da company where I have been shifted to...nuthin but 'work' happens there...Of course checkin mails, surfin thru PG, chatting, listening to songs etc etc happens thruout da day...
About 1 to 1:15 PM - Lunch to the mess...pathetic menu, which appeared good only in the first 3 days at the he prefers the pastry joint for some burgers etc...a la lunch!
About 2 to 2:30 PM - yawn... yea..time for more wat does this variable do? yawwn...and why is this exception not def...yawnnn..ined? guess wat....
About 4 PM - Bright eyes - good work goin on - time for a break in another half an hour...(good thoughts)
4:20 to 4:30 PM - Coffee break - though its normally mango juice for him...or a soft drink - wateva - its all free...with some nice biscuits too...
What follows at office - some fast work - evening speeding into da darkness of the nite...
Now this varies from 6:15 to 7:45 PM - Work done - laptop closed...wires disconnected...bye guys...'me' off home...
About 8 PM - Its 90 percent Delicious Dine for dinner time, as wateva neone says, the place rules as far as taste of food is concerned...a nice dinner for a tired guy...
About 8:45 PM - back to PG - TV for thru channels...'bachhon - please dont check out FTV at 9:30 isnt exactly the time for 'Midnight ...' but u neva know wat turns up..hehe!!
About 9:20 PM - a refreshin bath...
About 9:45 PM - bath and prayers lyin down on bed - relaxin...messaging friends...and also thinkin wat else to do for the remaining part of the nite...
About 10:15 PM - reading a book...wat else is new?
About 11:30 to 11:45 PM - Either he is already asleep...or he prefers to close down for the nite.
About 12:30 AM - Wat else readers? its done...the guy is dozing off...
U guys get back to ur own work now..and dont fget to list down ur routines in ur blogs...
Monday, March 20, 2006
PG meet...
Saturday afternoon - havin returned from my cuz's flat at CV Raman Nagar(good one - but hell far away man!!)- it was time for another PG meet as had been planned in da last week's proceedings of the 'Bangalore PG meet' thread...buzzing with activity initially, but then all blown off suddenly...a lot of guys said they wudnt turn up on account of several personal reasons - so it was known dat the meet wudnt be all dat great, as the last one I had attended...
After the morning adventure, and with a pain in da ass...(this is for real)...I wasnt actually in the mood for walking a huge distance, so a cool and calm PG meet wud be da best thing...venue - Barista - as had been decided last time too...but wat the heck? No one to be seen when me, Abhishek and another PGite Manas reached there...Some time later - we managed to find a gang of guys huddled at a corner - ready to leave - we were an hour late, but well, we tot PG meets always started at least one hour late - (grinning)...
The meet there wasnt much - except for meeting new people...just about knowing them...We moved very soon from there, to Airlines hotel, to a small hotel outside it...there mr dadaji himself - Psychodementia aka Arun was supposed to come...he arrived pretty late...but then, i guess more about this week's PG meet was Mr Arun himself...I had met him earlier - but he was new for the others...good, healthy discussions on already discussed topics like why MBA...but a good amount of info exchanged...too bad i dont have snaps with Arun bhai...but I have some of those at posting those...


After the morning adventure, and with a pain in da ass...(this is for real)...I wasnt actually in the mood for walking a huge distance, so a cool and calm PG meet wud be da best thing...venue - Barista - as had been decided last time too...but wat the heck? No one to be seen when me, Abhishek and another PGite Manas reached there...Some time later - we managed to find a gang of guys huddled at a corner - ready to leave - we were an hour late, but well, we tot PG meets always started at least one hour late - (grinning)...
The meet there wasnt much - except for meeting new people...just about knowing them...We moved very soon from there, to Airlines hotel, to a small hotel outside it...there mr dadaji himself - Psychodementia aka Arun was supposed to come...he arrived pretty late...but then, i guess more about this week's PG meet was Mr Arun himself...I had met him earlier - but he was new for the others...good, healthy discussions on already discussed topics like why MBA...but a good amount of info exchanged...too bad i dont have snaps with Arun bhai...but I have some of those at posting those...



Thursday, March 16, 2006
Ethnic Day...
More will find me this time in a kurta - nope - its not teammate gave it to me...too bad da day lacked my superb blue-shaded kurta and jacket...people were lookin real good in their respective ones, and i wished i had my own kurta too...after all - occasions like Ethnic Day are very rare in SSI...
I am postin this a week late, coz i was drowned in work...nope - no deadline...but deadlines set by me on my own i am a 'bit' free...just attended training on a module in Apps i dint even know head or tail of... (serves me rite for knowing almost nothing of financials)...I know da 'veryy few' people who must be goin thru this page must be totally bugged wid me writin so less these days, just putting up photos as if this is an album or so...but yaaron...samjha karo...kaam mein dooba hua hoon, and of 'physical' position isnt all that great too... (grinning)...
enjoy da snaps...hope they have come betta then the ones in da last post...took them in a hurry...






And finally - the great ME!!

I am postin this a week late, coz i was drowned in work...nope - no deadline...but deadlines set by me on my own i am a 'bit' free...just attended training on a module in Apps i dint even know head or tail of... (serves me rite for knowing almost nothing of financials)...I know da 'veryy few' people who must be goin thru this page must be totally bugged wid me writin so less these days, just putting up photos as if this is an album or so...but yaaron...samjha karo...kaam mein dooba hua hoon, and of 'physical' position isnt all that great too... (grinning)...
enjoy da snaps...hope they have come betta then the ones in da last post...took them in a hurry...






And finally - the great ME!!


Thursday, March 09, 2006
Rangoli at SSI...
Tot I'd update da blog wid da latest happenings at my company...thanx to da employee club there is more fun nowadays...for starters take the Rangoli competition...I wont write much, coz wid da workload, there isnt much energy to edit the blog...dats all dat has been happening in mu life these days - work, work and more work...tryin to get a good hold over things at work...sometimes i do feel like blogging thoughts etc which come to my mind - but then at da end of da day i realize that there aint ne time left...
To fill up some space here are some snaps i just took today...






To fill up some space here are some snaps i just took today...







Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Yup..its me again!
There cant be many reasons why I havent posted for a real long time on da blog...except that I now sit next to my PL - of course, though he is a real nice guy, things do get a bit apprehensive for me if he is around and i am peepin into 'wat else is new' on da net - or editing da blog...howeva I have indeed been questioned on why I havent been editing my blog for a good number of days now...
Things have been pretty stagnant - at least me in my place for sure...getting to know more about the technicalities involved in Work Orders(dats what mah latest object is bout)...and of course staring into the laptop for 8 hours every day into code, code and gess wat...more code!! Of course life has just been goin the normal way...I was down to my cuz's place 2 days back for dinner, and have taken some pics...shall post dem as soon as i get my new mobile done wid (sum probs with it)...
Da buzzing season dese days is as usual - the MBA interview season...PG seems to be flooded as usual with threads of those - every day a new institute thread springs up...for those of u who arent aware of those, the mod Simba on PG has come up with PagalGirl...a new concept - only meant for the gals and ladies from PG i my...this was news for me when i went thru PG today morning...dont know how soon PGirl will acquire the fame of PGuy...but it IS an innovative concept to add to PG nomenclature...
As usual da month of Feb hasnt been all dat great for me...though now its over, and i can hopefully look towards a successful journey ahead in begin with, there is good amount of work...yea - da tech part, da coding etc sucks...but i realize the functional understanding in ERP is not that bad after all...
Goin to enrich some more functional concepts as of now...
Things have been pretty stagnant - at least me in my place for sure...getting to know more about the technicalities involved in Work Orders(dats what mah latest object is bout)...and of course staring into the laptop for 8 hours every day into code, code and gess wat...more code!! Of course life has just been goin the normal way...I was down to my cuz's place 2 days back for dinner, and have taken some pics...shall post dem as soon as i get my new mobile done wid (sum probs with it)...
Da buzzing season dese days is as usual - the MBA interview season...PG seems to be flooded as usual with threads of those - every day a new institute thread springs up...for those of u who arent aware of those, the mod Simba on PG has come up with PagalGirl...a new concept - only meant for the gals and ladies from PG i my...this was news for me when i went thru PG today morning...dont know how soon PGirl will acquire the fame of PGuy...but it IS an innovative concept to add to PG nomenclature...
As usual da month of Feb hasnt been all dat great for me...though now its over, and i can hopefully look towards a successful journey ahead in begin with, there is good amount of work...yea - da tech part, da coding etc sucks...but i realize the functional understanding in ERP is not that bad after all...
Goin to enrich some more functional concepts as of now...
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